Thursday, February 6, 2014

Painting 1 for Fine Arts Snowday Reboot (again)

So here we go again. What I propose is this: let's continue with the homework assignment- bring what you have to class. We will have a group crit, but then we will skip painting these objects and jump right into the trompe l'oeil project. So bring in an object similar to the example above- keys, feather, whatever- something small enough that we can pin it to a board, like in this painting, and we will begin the trompe l'oeil painting. 
I know in the syllabus it also states that we will paint these on the canvases we stretch- disregard that, we will stretch canvas at a later date. Just bring in a surface to paint your trompe l'oeil project on (canvas panels, for example). Hopefully we will be able to begin...!


  1. Are we responsible for bringing the board that we'll be putting the objects on for the trompe l'oiel? How many objects should we bring? I suppose it depends on the board we'll be placing them on... I am wondering if I can bring things that can't necessarily be tacked to the board. (Can we place them on the board and look from above or put on some sort of french memo board straps). Finally, you don't have a particular sized canvas/board we should bring?

    1. I bring the board (foam core), you bring in one small object (like keys, for example) , and bring in a surface to paint on (canvas panel is good, 9x12 is perfect, but this is flexible)
