Friday, February 15, 2013

Painting 1 assignment

Pick 2 items to paint- this can be anything- as you can see here. A rose from valentines day....Using a strong light source, and only black and white paint, paint the 2 objects, paying particular attention to the figure/ ground relationship (how they are sitting on a surface). Remember, shadows have shapes! I'm including several steps here so you can see how approach things- blocking in shapes with washes of paint in the beginning, establishing value relationships, and finally refining things with a thicker application of paint. This is not that much different from your previous assignment, aside from the addition of another object, but I really want you to emphasize the light source here- make it as strong as you can, and think about the surrounding area more. the addition of a second object forces you to do this to a certain extent as well... also notice how I'm using the whole page....Click on the last image to enlarge. Due 2/20.

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