Thursday, September 26, 2013

Watercolor 1: for those of you who missed class

Paint this setup (from class) in black and white (in watercolor) dealing with the value ranges.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Watercolor 1: drawing assignment, due 9/23

1 object, in pencil, emphasizing value shifts. I chose to draw a small wolf figurine I got at the airport in Colorado...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Watercolor 1: value scale

I would like this assignment to be as neat and tightly rendered as this- all the way to the edge...

Friday, September 6, 2013

Painting 2: The Still Life

so- I was close:


Everest Hall fuses cultural references, old and new, in fetishistic and irreverent graphite drawings and oil paintings, combining “very accurate observational study with thoughts on metaphysics, memory, and history,” as he has said. Ranging from figures and still lifes to absurdist imagery and photorealistic urban landscapes, Hall draws from a wide range of source materials, including the symbols and motifs of the various belief systems represented by his immediate family—Hall’s mother is a Mayan priestess, his father a Sufi, and his grandparents founding members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses; elements of these divergent cultures come together in clashing tension in Hall’s work. A frequent motif is the use of ancient ritualistic objects and imagery, such as skulls, rattlesnakes, and candles, updated, reconfigured, and set against flat, often psychedelic backdrops or abstract forms. Hall is also known for absurdist references to popular culture, as in his transformation of a man’s genitals into Joe Camel.

The other painters I showed you were:

Jill Grimes

Sadie Valeri

Limor Gasko